Usually Sundays at먹튀검증 먹튀폴리스 are fairly busy. Both the well-bankrolled playing in the One Million Guarantee and the more casual players playing in the noon deep stack or any of the other tourneys find something to like in what is always a full and well represented schedule. A few Sundays ago their server found the traffic too much to bear and things ground to a halt for a while.
Back in older days this was a fairly commonplace event on the net. Paradise Poker used to go down so often we would sometimes start a pool in the morning to bet on what time they would go down that day. But more recently, these interruptions of our poker day have been fewer. So, as I waited for the 2:15 $3 rebuy to start I was confused and upset by the return of server problems.
As it turned out, the problems were enough to eventually get Stars to cancel that $3 rebuy altogether. So, like many of the other players who were impatient to play, I regged for the $10 rebuy. As I waited for this one to start I noticed something unusual. Instead of the normal 2000 or so players the numbers kept going up. By the time it went off, there were about 8000 people playing this $10 rebuy. After all the rebuys and add-ons were tallied, this translated into a prize pool of almost a quarter of a million dollars. They ended up paying the top 1000 or so and first place was over $40k!
What all this meant was that this particular $10 rebuy was different. Normally I will play with a great deal of abandon as we near the money as it doesn’t matter to me if I lose at that point since I know I can just play the next one. I find it liberating to not worry about any one particular tourney and just try to do well overall. This time was different. This time I wanted to be in there at the end and have a chance to win so that may have colored my judgment a little.
Well, the money bubble came and went and I kept playing my game, albeit a bit on the conservative side even for me. But I still found my spots and made a few hands and was on the plus side of average stack size when the following hand came up. My table was mostly tight and many hands went by without seeing a flop.
This time I want to do this differently than I did last time. Instead of posting the entire hand history at once and then going into my thought process I will post a part at a time. Read the beginning and think about what you would have done before reading the next part.
Jacks in the small blind. I don’t know about you, but I was thinking something along the lines of “WooHoo!” I was certainly going to play back at a late position raiser with that hand. But, since the table was pretty tame, I was almost expecting to just end up raising out the big blind and being happy to grab a few more chips. OK, back to the action.
Once, when I was a teenager I remember going swimming late in the season. The air was still warmish and it wasn’t as if there was some freak heat wave, but we were young and I’m sure it was maybe 70 degrees out. As it happens the water was not quite as warm as the air. And instead of easing myself into the lake I had to be a big man and jump from the tire swing into the deeper water. I can still remember how everything on my body shrank up as I hit the frigid lake. This is kind of how I felt with my jacks now.
I mean, first there was the early position raise from a conservative guy who nearly had me covered. I didn’t think he would raise there without a really big hand. Then there was the first all-in. I knew it was possible he had a small pair or a big ace and was trying to isolate, but he wasn’t that short stacked that he had to make a move with something like 55 so it was more likely he was holding something bigger. Then, when the next all-in raise came, I knew I was likely beat in at least one of the three spots. Sure, if I was really lucky, they both may have had AK and the original raiser may have had tens and it would be off to the races with me in the lead, but that was a low probability scenario. Also, had I been short stacked, I might have thought differently, but I hope not as I was fairly sure of my read. I was also still convinced that the original raiser might have a monster, so I did what any yellow-bellied seal would do: